Today is not an adventuring or roaming day. It is a stay at home and be lazy day for me, and a take Mom to the doctor day for Chris. It is not a very pretty day outside and it is getting colder rapidly, but I am still loving the day. We are finally going to have Chris’ birthday meal this evening, almost a month late.
Chris’ birthday was last month and we celebrated by going to the QU Balloon Glow with our kids. Then the next day we went on a one day adventure to Oskaloosa, IA and Chris got sick! It was a long miserable trip home for him. Taylor, also, had made reservations and bought the tickets for us to go on the Dick Brother’s Brewery tunnels tour the next day, and he thought he was going to have to miss that. He did get to feeling good enough to go on the brewery tour, so I drove and we came straight home after the tour, which was very cool. Thank you very much Taylor, Tristan, and Sierra for making it such an enjoyable event. The only down side was that they do not allow photos in the tunnels.
By the time Chris was feeling well enough to think about having a family meal, his mom, Betty Jo, was having shoulder replacement surgery, and she wasn’t up to it for a few days. Between work and some other plans we had, we were not able to schedule his meal until today. The kids won’t be able to be there because of a family event with Tristan’s family, but that is okay as we spent his birthday with them, and a few other times with them over the last few weeks. So tonight it will be us and The Moms.
Since I did not have to work today, I got up this morning and put a beef roast in the crock pot with all the fixings to make a nice gravy and started it cooking. Then I made a batch of Chris’ favorite homemade bread. By the way, as I write this the house smells amazing from the bread I just baked and the simmering beef. Later today I will cook potatoes and make mashed potatoes and maybe a veggie. Chris will finally get his requested hot beef plate birthday meal. His ice cream cake will have to wait, because I forgot to get it started a couple of days ago, and it can’t be rushed.
Now to wait for Chris and Betty Jo to get back from Hannibal 犀利士5mg to pick me up and meet Mom at Betty Jo’s and enjoy Chris’ birthday meal with The Moms.
I’m glad Chris is going to get his hot beef plate. What a good warming meal for a cold rainy day!